N-COUNT 自作聪明的人;自以为是的人;神气活现的家伙 If you describe someone as a smart alec, you dislike the fact that they think they are very clever and always have an answer for everything.
...a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter... 年届不惑、自以为是的电视记者
You'll end up no more than a smart alec and you're well down that road already. 你最终只会变得自命不凡,而且你现在已经很有些自以为是了。
You'll end up no more than a smart alec and you're well down that road already. 你最终只会变得自命不凡,而且你现在已经很有些自以为是了。
How much longer will it be before some smart alec from the building trade decides to replace conventional windows with electronic displays? 但在建筑业那些自作聪明的人将传统的窗户改装成电子显示屏之前,人们抬头看世界的时间会有多长?